вторник, 2 июля 2013 г.

Coming home

On the 30th June I had a flight from London to Zagren. I had no idea how unlucky I was as the next day Croatia was entering Euoropean Union. 
After getting my luggage I came out of the airport radiating happiness as I didn't see my family for few months. My dad came all sweaty and tired, grabbed my case and said:
- I ran 2 km
I've decided to not ask too many questions, my dad was always into fitness. So we stood in the queueueueue for the bus to (?) take us to the parking area. It turned out that Croatians decided to celebrate on a high wave so they have blocked the roads and all around the airport. As we were driving along thehighway we were enjoying the view of chinese buisnessmen streaming to catch their planes with their LV cases covered with dust and smart shoes scratched all over. 
Exhausted we climed into a car. I swear there are too many moments in life when you start to worship the weirdest things. Like air-con.
So the roads in the capital were all blocked as well so we ended up going in circles until some random ass man explained to us the most obvious way to get to Rijeka. Through the highway to Slowenia. Obviously.
To dilute the upcoming tension my dad asked:
-Do you want coffe?
We've stopped at a road fast food caffe. I had a capuccino, dad had a burger with espresso.
In two hours I was finally on my favourite chair with a huge mug of tea. This is normally the moment when you not only become thamkful for water and trees but start thinking that Earth might not be as hopeless and may be even suitable for living.

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